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Application Header

Check application status

Along with other information and helpful links, your application status will be shown on your Dashboard.

  • If your application is submitted, the application header will say so.
  • If your application is incomplete and not submitted, the application header will display a "Submit now" button and will state which requirement still needs to be provided. application dashboard displaying incomplete application message

Application submitted

Your status is always available at the top of the page. When your application is submitted, you'll the message: "Application submitted". This means that your application is complete and submitted, and is visible to the search committee.
application dashboard displaying application submitted message

My information

Updating your account information

  1. Click My Information. applicant dashboard page
  2. Click to update for the appropriate section.
  3. Make all the desired changes. Note that any changes made to the Account Information (Affiliation or University, Job Title, Degree Information, Degree Discipline, etc.) will update all other open and editable applications. applicant email, password, employment information, and degree information update display
  4. Click Save changes when finished. save changes
  5. Your information will now be updated.

My files

Uploading required or optional documents

  1. Click My Files. tab labeled my files
  2. Click Upload by the appropriate file. upload now link
  3. Click the Choose File button. document upload window
  4. Locate and select the file.
  5. You may optionally describe the document or leave a comment about it.
  6. When ready, click the Upload button.
  7. Your file will now be uploaded to your My Files page.

Please note, you will receive an error message if your file is over 50 MB in size. Please host larger files externally and provide website on My Information.

PDFs and supported media file types

  • Most documents you wish to upload into Recruit, if they are text files, must be PDF files. Once you convert these documents, they will have a ".pdf" file extension, and will be readable by the search committees, using any PDF application, regardless of the operating system.
  • See Creating PDF Files for more information.
  • Recruit also accepts the following other media file types: txt, pdf, jpg, jpeg, rar, tif, mov, bmp, 3gp, png, wmv, m4v, mp3, mp4, m4a, psd, swf, tiff.

Reusing application files

If you've uploaded files for a previous application, you can reuse these application files on future applications. After creating your application:

  1. Click My Files. tab labeled my files
  2. Click on the document type that you wish to upload.
  3. Select any of the files under the Reuse a Previously Uploaded file section
  4. Optionally, you may choose a file listed under the Reuse a Different Kind of File if you so wish
  5. When ready, click the Upload button.
  6. Your file will now be uploaded to your My Files page.

Deleting documents

  1. Click My Files. tab labeled my files
  2. Click the name of the file you wish to delete required documents section displaying uploaded CV file
  3. Click Delete file in the modal that appears. delete file button
  4. Click Yes, delete file. confirm file deletion button
  5. The file will now be permanently removed from your application.

My references

Adding a reference

  1. Click My References. tab labeled my references
  2. Click Add reference or Add optional reference. add reference link
  3. Fill out the form to add in the reference's information.
  4. When ready, click Add reference. Your reference will be added to your My references page.
  5. Alternately, you may click Add & Request. If this button is missing, this means you are not required to notify your references at this time. add and request reference button
  6. The Add & Request button opens an email template that you may personalize. Then you will send it to your reference requesting your letter of recommendation.

Reusing a letter of reference or contact information

If you have previously submitted a letter of reference or the contact information of a reference in a separate recruitment and wish to reuse the letter or their contact information in your current application, follow these simple instructions:

  1. Click My References. tab labeled my references
  2. Click Add reference or Add optional reference. add reference link
  3. Click on the name of the reference whose letter or information you wish to reuse. page of previously uploaded references
    • Reusing a previously submitted reference letter will message the original sender that you have reused their letter.

Editing a reference

  1. Click My References. tab labeled my references
  2. Click Edit beside the appropriate reference. edit reference link
  3. Make all of the desired changes.
  4. Click Save changes. save changes button
  5. Your reference will now be updated.

Deleting a reference

  1. Click My References. tab labeled my references
  2. Click Delete beside the appropriate reference. delete reference link
  3. Click Yes, delete reference. delete reference confirmation button
  4. The reference will now be removed from your My references page.
    • If you have already requested a letter from this reference, you should reach out to them to inform them of your change of plans, as they will be unable to upload their letter if they attempt to do so.

Requesting a letter of reference

When applying to a recruitment that requires letters of recommendation and not just contact information, you must notify your references through the system. To finish your application and get it to the search committee, make sure to request all letters.

  1. Click My References. tab labeled my references
  2. Click Request letter of reference by the appropriate reference name. request letter of reference link
  3. A template opens. If desired, personalize the email.
  4. Click Next ยป.
  5. Review the email.
  6. When ready, click Send request.
  7. Your reference will shortly receive an email with the subject line: "[UC San Diego Recruit] Letter of Reference Requested"

You may re-request letters by returning to My References in your application.

Why is the My References tab missing?

When an application does not require references, the My References tab will be absent.